COE Thesis and Final Year Project (FYP)

COE Thesis and Final Year Project (FYP)


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Now showing 1 - 5 of 2019
  • Publication
    Development of embedded controller for under and over voltage detection
    Ainin Sofiya Mohd Radzi
    This project puts forward a design and prototype for an under and over voltage detection specifically on the Wi-Fi development. It is to ease voltage monitoring of an industrial voltage supply to avoid any mishaps that may occur due to under and over voltage. Two phase were involve to execute this project. The less challenging phase which is the first phase involved in the Arduino Yun. The Arduino Yun sends data in the form of strings to the Google Spreadsheet. In real life application, these data would be the voltage reading of the premise. However, in this project, the strings were predetermined. The second phase, was to be able to communicate another board to the Arduino Yun. Two type of boards were used in this project for testing purpose which are the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and the Arduino Uno. Many test were done in order to enable the PLC to send strings to the Arduino Yun, however the attempt was not 100% successful. Thus as an alternative, the Arduino Uno was used to replace the PLC and since the Arduino Uno and Arduino Yun came from the same type of boards, it was easier to send strings from Arduino Uno to Arduino Yun as compared to the PLC. At the end of this project, it was concluded as a success since the string that was being sent from the Arduino Uno to the Arduino Yun can be displayed on the Google Spreadsheet without any errors.
  • Publication
    Water draining device from aedes mosquito breeding
    Amir Amirul Anuar
    The goal of this project is mainly on the inventing a new toilet design that could prevent the breeding of the Aedes mosquito. Most household available today use either squat or seat toilet. However, both of the toilets use the water to transfer the waste to the nearest sewer system or septic tank. The water inside the toilet bowl could attract the Aedes mosquitoes which are the preferred breeding areas of the female mosquito. Also known as Aedes Aegypti, the life cycle of an Aedes mosquito can be completed within one and a half to 3 weeks to tum from an egg to a full grown adult mosquito. The mosquito will go through 4 stages in their lifecycle. The stages are the eggs, larva, pupa and lastly turn into an adult mosquito [1]. Only the female Aedes mosquito will bites as it needs the protein in the blood to develop its eggs. After the female Aedes mosquito took its blood meal, the mosquito will produce on average 80-100 eggs per batch. The female can produce up to 3 to 5 batches of eggs during its entire lifetime. The female Aedes mosquito preferred breeding area are in areas of stagnant water such as flower vases, discarded tyres, tins and the most dangerous areas are wet shower floors and toilet bowls, as the mosquito will be allowed to breed inside the residence. Moreover, the design of the new toilet bowl required further understanding on the Bernoulli's principle. The U-shaped drain pipe act as a siphon tube where the atmospheric pressure on the outside of the toilet bowl start to push the water into the drain pipe as soon as the air inside the U-shaped pipe is eliminated (2). The absence of air inside the U-shaped pipe was due to the large amount of water poured down when the user flush
  • Publication
    Wind induced lateral displacement of cendiakiawan apartment in UNITEN
    Lee, Tong Xiang
    This project is focusing on the behavior of the building especially lateral displacement under the action of winds at three different days (29 August 2007, 31 August 2007 and 2 September 2007) and time (6.00 am, 12.00 pm and 6.00 pm). Therefore, it is the main objective of the project to determine the distribution of wind loads at that particular day and time; hence the deformation and stress-strain profile of the building can be obtained by modeling the building using finite element software - LUSAS. The study consists of collection of wind speed data from Malaysian Meteorological Department, Petaling Jaya and the typical plan of the case study area from the Consultant appointed to design the structure of CENDIAKIAWAN Apartments, Perunding Bersatu Sdn.Bhd. The data then is use to determine the wind pressure act on the surface of the building at each level before it is converted to load which is act at the intersection between beams and columns. Modeling the building by using LUSAS where the behavior of the building can be obtained after executing the software. From the project, the deformation and stress-strain profile shows variation of behavior of the building which has been affected by the wind pressure.
  • Publication
    The application of green building index in Malaysia for new and existing development
    Lim, Yuen Loong
    Green Building Index is a rating tool that is design to create a certified Green Building with the objective of creating a sustainable environment in Malaysia. This project reports in the application of Green Building Index in local construction industry. Literature review was done to fulfill the objective of the project which is to study the willingness of using sustainable measures into the construction industry and to examine the benefits and barriers of Green Building Index. Questionnaire will be made to learn about the current practice in local construction industry and their awareness about Green Building Index. The scope of study applies to construction industries in Malaysia because Green Building Index is created typically for Malaysian climate. The end results will be examine based on the respondent feedback from the questionnaire regarding the familiarity, awareness, barriers and current practice of Green Building Index.
  • Publication
    Mixture of natural fibers with gypsum to improve the fire resistance rating of a fire door
    Muhammad Alif Hakim Ismail
    Nowadays, materials to make a fire door consist of materials that are able to withstand fire for a long time. The materials that have been used to make a fire door are gypsum and glass fiber wool where it acts as a protective coating. Normally, this fire door must be compact and able to close on its own. A composite mixture of gypsum and natural fibers have been considered in this study to enhance the fire resistance rating of a fire door. Natural fibers have the ability to replace glass fiber cotton because of its features that are available in fiber glass wool. When using fiberglass, it can cause health problem once it is swallowed and inhaled, and may remain in the lungs indefinitely. It also can contribute to lungs cancer. Kapok, sugarcane and wood fiber have been used in this experiment. The objective of the experiment are to analyze the fire resistant rating of the composite mixture of gypsum with kapok fiber, sugarcane fiber and wood fiber, The scopes of the experiment consist a preparation of composite mixture samples of gypsum with wood and sugarcane fiber with one thickness and single composition. Fabrication of a fire resistant testing furnace. A testing of samples which were conducted in accordance with the standard MS 1073: PART 2:1996. Besides that, the determination of the fire resistance rating for each of those samples, followed by comparison on the cost with the fire resistance of traditional timber fire door and the gypsum composite mixture with natural fibers. Last but not list is to evaluate and discuss results obtained from experiment. The fire resistance rating for each sample will be determining in this experiment.