COE Thesis and Final Year Project (FYP)

COE Thesis and Final Year Project (FYP)


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  • Publication
    Numerical anlysis of an embankment resting on a combined mass stabilization and lime columns in clayey soil
    Mohammad Hossein Mehrabi
    From the beginning, deep mixing has been popular to use to improve the strength and decrease the compressibility of soft soils. The primary emphasis of this research dissertation is on stability of embankments supported on columns installed by the deep mixing method. When embankments are constructed over soft foundations, stability often becomes one of the factors in design. Deep mixing methods have been commonly used as an optional to increase in quality of soft soil to intensify the stability. A row of deep mixed columns was modeled in 2-D for guilelessness of analysis. Deep mixed columns were inserted into a firm soil to produce a feasibility of bending failure. Column supported embankments are constructed over soft ground to speed up construction, enhance stability of embankment, control total and differential settlements, and protect adjacent resources. The columns are should be durable and stronger than the existing site soil, and if correctly designed, they can impede immoderate movement of the embankment. If accelerated construction is necessary, or if adjacent existing facilities need to be sheltered, then column-supported embankments may be an appropriate technical solution. Based on the results obtained from several simulations, it was discovered that in order to match the current practice, an embankment with columns in proportion 1:3 in length should be adopted for the side respectively.
  • Publication
    Trend in annual extreme rainfall events of 1 to 5 days duration over peninsular Malaysia
    Yasmin Nadirah Hanafiah Kamal Bahrin
    This thesis reports the trends in annual extreme rainfall of 1 to 5 days duration over peninsular Malaysia. The objective of this study is to analyse whether the rainfall distribution over peninsular Malaysia show trend or not. Rainfall distribution of more than 35 years back are analysed to detect for trends. The length of record of annual extreme data is selected in a way that they do not contain less than 30 years of record. Selected stations throughout peninsular Malaysia are selected in collecting the daily rainfall data which later are extracted to obtain the maximum rainfall of every year of record. Statistical methods are being adopted in this study to detect trends in annual extreme rainfall because. Altogether 5 statistical tests are used in the analysis to detect any sign of significant trends. Results from the analysis showed that out of 34 stations being analysed, only 4 shows significant positive trends in their annual extreme rainfall series with most of the stations located at southwest region of peninsular Malaysia.
  • Publication
    Intelligent features for roadway safety
    Amar Ezhar Roslan
    This report presents the result from the intelligent features for roadway safety. The experiment test was conducted in Uiversiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), civil engineering laboratory and test in the site on Kajang road. Although the product produced modify the results of the old product, but it has succeeded because it can trigger a new idea with the addition of new materials with better quality. The first two tests were performed, compression tests conducted laboratory. While the second was conducted on the streets outside. The test has conduct to determine the effectiveness and ability to work the material used. Its conclusions and evidence has been made and described in detail in this thesis.
  • Publication
    CFD analysis on the effect of excess air to pollutant emission during syngas combustion
    Mus'ab Zulkefli
    Malaysia has only 33 years of natural gas and 19 years of oil reserve. Syngas has the potential to replace the conventional fuel use in combustion process. During syngas combustion in excess air condition, pollutant is formed. This study is analysed the effect of excess air to pollutant formation and emission in a full scale combustor firing syngas and to investigate the effect of variable mass flow rate to the combustor. In this study, can-type combustor is used for the simulation. To compare the result, four cases with different air mass flow rate are simulated. This study emphasizes on the temperature behaviour, velocity analysis and pollutant emission. The result then compared and discuss with natural gas combustion to see which fuel source produce more pollutant emission.
  • Publication
    Production of vege-grout from agriculture waste for soil improvement
    Mohd Hanif Mohd Diah
    Soil stabilization is the procedure in which a special soil, a cementing material, or chemical material is added to a natural soil to improve its properties. The use of stabilizing agents can improve and maintain soil moisture content, increase soil particle cohesion and serve as water proofing agents. This study is been carried out to find the production amount of nano-silica, ferrum and calcium as a green technology to soil stabilization. The production amount of nano-silica, ferrum and calcium from agricultural waste is to be determined through a various test of experiment. The tests that were used are sieve analysis, atterberg limit, specific gravity, permeability and triaxial test. Other tests used to find the production of vege-grout are Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and API Kit 20NE/20E. It is founded that cabbage following with long bean, cucumber, water spinach and spinach are suitable to be used for bio cementation methods. Meanwhile, long bean following with cucumber, spinach, cabbage and water spinach are suitable to be used for bio clogging methods. Vege-grout is a promising research fields that may significantly improve the mixture design, performance and production of additives materials. Materials composed of nano-sized particles displays unique physical and chemical properties compared to those with the normal sizes particle.