A hybrid statistical modelling, normalization and inferencing techniques of an off-line signature verification system

Ahmad S.M.S.
Shakil A.
Faudzi M.A.
Anwar R.Md.
Balbed M.A.M.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper presents an automatic off-line signature verification system that is built using several statistical techniques .The learning phase involves the use of Hidden Markov Modelling (HMM) technique to build a reference model for each local feature extracted from a set of signature samples of a particular user. The verification phase uses three layers of statistical techniques.. The first layer involves the computation of the HMM-based log-likelihood probability match score. The second layer performs the mapping of this score into soft boundary ranges of acceptance or rejection through the use of z-score analysis and normalization function. Next Bayesian inference technique is used to arrive at the final decision of accepting or rejecting a given signature sample. � 2008 IEEE.
Bayesian inference , Hidden Markov Model (HMM) , Computer science , Hidden Markov models , Inference engines , Probability density function , Bayesian inference , Final decision , Hidden Markov Model (HMM) , Learning phase , Local feature , Log likelihood , Match score , Off-line signature verification , Reference models , Second layer , Statistical modelling , Statistical techniques , Three-layer , Z-score analysis , Bayesian networks