Publication: A Response Surface Methodology for Mitigating Hot Gasses in Enclosed Car Park
Tharima A.F.
Yusoff M.Z.
Rahman M.M.
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Institute of Physics Publishing
A hot gas rise towards ceiling due to fire buoyancy will cause severe damage to the building structure. The temperature rises need to be controlled as among the elements of compliance in performance-based design. The channel flow between beams has used in this study to mitigate hot gases out of the enclosure by mean of response surface methodology. Fire Dynamic Simulator was employed as a simulation tool while the result was statistically examined using analysis of variance via Minitab application. It was found that the result was linear with predicted R2 (93.25%) and within the permissible R2 (98.13%). The ceiling height has been identified not affect in controlling hot gases while four control parameters which are beam spacing, transversal beam, extraction rate and longitudinal beam with p-values of 0.00, 0.000, 0.023 and 0.000 respectively, have been found to have the significant effect on the smoke temperature control. This study contributes a good input to the fire safety community in providing the initial design of enclosed car park with better condition. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Garages (parking); Surface properties; Building structure; Control parameters; Fire dynamic simulators; Performance based design; Response surface methodology; Smoke temperature; Temperature rise; Transversal beams; Smoke abatement