Thin-walled composite tubes using fillers subjected to quasistatic axial compression

Al-Qrimli H.F.
Mahdi F.A.
Ismail F.B.
Alzorqi I.S.
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Institute of Physics Publishing
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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It has been demonstrated that composites are lightweight, fatigue resistant and easily melded, a seemingly attractive alternative to metals. However, there has been no widespread switch from metals to composites in the automotive sector. This is because there are a number of technical issues relating to the use of composite materials that still need to be resolved including accurate material characterization, manufacturing and joining process. The total of 36 specimens have been fabricated using the fibre-glass and resin (epoxy) with a two different geometries (circular and corrugated) each one will be filled with five types of filler (Rice Husk, Wood Chips, Aluminium Chips, Coconut Fibre, Palm Oil Fibre) all these type will be compared with empty Tubes for circular and corrugated in order to comprehend the crashworthiness parameters (initial failure load, average load, maximum crushing load, load ratio, energy absorption, specific energy absorption, volumetric energy absorption, crushing force efficiency and crush strain relation) which are considered very sufficient parameters in the design of automotive industry parts. All the tests have been done using the "INSTRON Universal machine" which is computerized in order to simply give a high precision to the collection of the results, along with the use of quasi-static load to test and observe the behaviour of the fabricated specimens. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Automotive industry; Crashworthiness; Crushing; Energy absorption; Fillers; Glass industry; Loads (forces); Palm oil; Thin walled structures; Tubes (components); Wood; Wood products; Crashworthiness parameters; Different geometry; Material characterizations; Maximum crushing loads; Quasi-static loads; Quasistatic axial compression; Specific energy absorption; Thin-walled composites; Engineering education; Composites; Compression; Fillers; Samples; Tubes