Investigation into the use of 3D printed demonstration models in undergraduate engineering

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Afiqah Suraya Azman
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In this study we explored whether the use of 3D printed demonstrations models significantly improves students’ understanding of planar kinematics of a rigid body in force and acceleration. Results will be obtained through a comparison between two groups which is experimental group and control group. Experimental group counterparts who were exposed to the demonstration while control group counterparts who were not exposed to the demonstration. The sample consisted of 30 undergraduate students in a mechanics dynamics class. Students' attitudes and understanding as well as their achievements of planar kinematics of a rigid body in force and acceleration were evaluated by conducting a questionnaire that investigated their attitudes (perceptions) towards a demonstration in mechanics dynamics. The results showed that the achievement and understanding of the experimental group on the subject was statistically better than their control group counterpart.
Interim sem 2020 / 2021
3D print , demonstration