Determination of underground cable system condition via time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique

Kaven Balasuperemaniam
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Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is one of the important testing done in the power industry and in many more industries. TDR send electricals pulse through a conductor of a cable and the device that receives back the reflected pulse from the cable. The operation of this method is like a radar. TNB mainly uses this method to only determine the length of the tested cable and locations of joints only. This is the reading from the reflected pulse is good in determining the length and joint locations, and no more potential is dive into. This project focuses in doing multiple TDR testing involving cable with and without joint. The good and bad cables were used to get a viable and accurate results to form a valid conclusion. The test was successful and results was obtained that shows the difference between a good and bad cable but not in a good and bad joint. However, all the result is in preliminarily stages of assumption.
TK3226 .K38 2017
Underground electric lines