Home energy management using zigbee

Chong, Henn Loong
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Research Projects
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As more and more home appliances and consumer electronics are installed, residential energy consumption tends to grow rapidly. It was notice that in the home appliances such as fan, television, air conditioner or even light bulb required power consumption. The power consumption for the home appliances usually can be divided into two aspects, standby power and normal operation power. No matter which power consumption the resident have, there is always have wastage of energy. To reduce the wastage of the energy, there must be some sort of low power device monitor the operation of power constantly and reduce their power if possible. In this project, the purpose is to design a prototype which related to home energy management system using Zigbee. This system designed to save possible wastage of electricity which consumed by home appliances. Zigbee is a type of RF wireless communication module. It consists of transmitter and receiver. Zigbee required low operating power and can link up together in certain range. In this project, Zigbee acts as a transmitter and receiver to control the home appliances in receiver from the transmitter wirelessly.
TJ163.3.C46 2012
Energy conservation , Energy consumption