Electrical and superconducting properties of nanosize MgO added dip-coated Bi-2212 superconductor tape

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Hamid N.A.
Shamsudin N.F.
Chin K.M.
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The Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (Bi-2212) superconductor powder with 5% nanosize MgO addition was used to fabricate Bi-2212 tapes through the dip-coating-then-stacking method. In this method, the tapes were prepared by stacking layers of single side dip-coated silver strips, and then wrapping them with silver foil. The tape samples were rolled and pressed to increase the packing density of the superconductor core, and heat treated with partial melting temperature of 865�C for about 6 minutes. The fully processed tapes were investigated through the XRD patterns, dc electrical resistance measurements, SEM micrographs and transport critical current density (Jc). The addition of nanosize MgO tape samples enhanced the transport critical current density without affecting its transition temperature (Tc). This was attributed to the presence of MgO as pinning centers. Furthermore, the addition of nanosize MgO improved the microstructure and texturing of the tape sample without compromising their superconducting properties. �2009 IEEE.
Dip-coated Bi-2212 superconducting tape , Nanosize MgO addition , Transition temperature , Transport critical current density , Critical currents , Current density , Electric properties , Silver , Superconducting materials , Superconducting tapes , Superconducting transition temperature , Sustainable development , X ray diffraction , Bi-2212 , Dip-coated Bi-2212 superconducting tape , MgO addition , Nano-size , Transition temperature , Transport critical current density , Superconductivity