Publication: Circuit modeling for UWB-MIMO antenna array
Kasi B.
Jalil Y.E.
Chakrabarty C.K.
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IEEE Computer Society
In this article a simple analytical model for a UWB-MIMO antenna is proposed. Lumped equivalent circuit elements are used to construct the proposed MIMO array. Parameters of the circuit elements are calculated from the geometry of the designed antenna. Using frequency transformation technique causes the antenna to have wider impedance bandwidth and compact size. Mutual coupling effect is also taken into consideration for better circuit modeling. The proposed model has been developed using simulations and measurements based techniques. The calculated data are compared with the experimental results and good agreement is noted. � 2013 IEEE.
circuit modeling , equivalent circuit , lumped element , multiple-input multiple output , ultra wideband antenna , Antenna arrays , Computer simulation , Electric impedance , Equivalent circuits , MIMO systems , Circuit modeling , Frequency transformations , Lumped element , Lumped equivalent circuit , Multiple input multiple output , Mutual coupling effects , Simulations and measurements , Ultra wide-band antennas , Ultra-wideband (UWB)