Understanding Depression Detection Using Social Media

Latif A.A.
Cob Z.C.
Drus S.M.
Anwar R.M.
Radzi H.M.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The social media is used in expressing thoughts as an act of finding release of minds and sharing social experience through digital manners. This has generated a plethora amount of data through the utilization of social media, where the data is categorized in multiple and different format. Posting made by social media users may include depressed patients where their data could be used in discovering cues or features of the mental illness. Researchers applied different techniques in using social media to discover the depression manners such as data mining, deep learning, and machine learning. Earlier studies have discovered factors that exhibits traits of depressed people by analysing the data from social media postings. This has helped to detect the depressive symptoms in individuals using textual data. The outcome of this paper is to review previous studies and evaluate the factors used to detect depression from the social media. � 2021 IEEE.
Data mining; Deep learning; Diseases; Depression factor; Depression symptom; Depressive symptom; Mental health; Mental illness; Social media; Social medium mental health; Textual data; Social networking (online)