Energy Efficiency Through a Wearable Device for the Elderly Based on the Integrated Smart Neighbourhood Framework of Malaysia 5.0 Model

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Badioze Zaman H.
Ahmad A.
Aw K.S.
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Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
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In reinventing a nation, Malaysia is moving from a social paradigm shift of an Agricultural-Industrial to a Digital one, moving towards the development of Malaysia 5.0. This human-centric concept portrays the citizens to be smart in using the right technology to help them conduct their daily activities. A Study conducted on dimensions of the concept of Malaysia 5.0 which is used in the design of the Integrated Smart Neighbourhood Framework (ISNF) of the Malaysia 5.0 model, comprised twelve dimensions: smart mobility/transportation, smart finance, smart economy, smart education, smart social & health, smart environment, smart governance, smart industry integration, culture, human capital, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and spirituality. This paper highlights the integration between the smart social & health with the smart finance dimensions, through the use of a wearable device designed for the elderly for social and health, as well as financial purposes through energy efficiency. Based on an ambient interface, the tangible user interface (TUI), used in the design of the wearable device allows the elderly to control electrical and electronic appliances such as air conditioning, lights, lamp, fans, computer, as well their telephones for social and emergency calls, through the control system built in their homes. The wearable device was validated and its results have been published previously in another publication and will not be discussed in this paper. The energy efficiency which will be reported in this paper was measured based on the financial savings made for a span of three months when the experiments were conducted. Based on the study the findings showed that using the wearable device to control the use of electrical appliances in their homes, the elderly made financial savings of between 20%�25% of their normal electricity bill compared with the previous three months when they were not using the wearable device to control the electricity appliances in their homes. Thus, the efficient use of electricity or �energy efficiency� function of the wearable device had resulted in financial savings for the elderly. � 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Air conditioning; Computer control systems; Finance; Health; User interfaces; Wearable technology; Electrical appliances; Energy savings; Energy-savings; Financial savings; Malaysia; Malaysia 5.0; Neighbourhood; Paradigm shifts; Smart neighborhood framework; Wearable devices; Energy efficiency