Analysis of Performance on Ultra Wideband Circular Patch for Solar Cell Antenna Design

Hamid H.A.S.
Chin Hock G.
Ferdous N.
Rahman M.N.A.
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Institute of Physics Publishing
Research Projects
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In this paper, a design of Ultra Wide-Band microstrip antenna based on circular microstrip patch for solar cell is proposed. In solar antenna design, researchers used several types of substrates materials in constructing the antenna. Two types of substrates that analyze and study by the researcher are Polyimide and Poly (methyl methacrylate) polymer matrix substrates. For this specific research study, the designed and analyzed methodology is conducted using CST microwave studio software using two types of substrates which are polyimide (Lossy) with dielectric constant equal to ?r = 3.5 and Poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer matrix with dielectric constant equal to r = 4.9. This analysis is to compare the bandwidth performance of polyimide and Poly (methyl methacrylate) polymer matrix substrate that been use in solar antenna's studies by many researches. For these types of research analysis, the aim of this study specifically to have a material that gives high performance in bandwidth. Choosing of suitable material as the substrates also one of the ways to improve the antenna design performances. Broader bandwidth will have the capability to transfer higher data rates. Performances characteristics of the microstrip circular patch antenna of each of the substrates materials designs are also obtained and compared. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Bandwidth; Data transfer rates; Energy conservation; Environmental technology; Esters; Polyimides; Polymer matrix; Slot antennas; Solar cells; Substrates; Ultra-wideband (UWB); Antenna design; Bandwidth performance; Circular microstrip patch; Circular patch antenna; CST microwave studio; Materials design; Research analysis; Research studies; Microstrip antennas