Triangulating the implementation of hierarchical agglomerative clustering on MAR-learning usability data

Lim K.C.
Selamat A.
Mohamed Zabil M.H.
Yusoff Y.
Selamat M.H.
Alias R.A.
Puteh F.
Mohamed F.
Krejcar O.
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IOS Press
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper presents fractions of research outcome from a bigger project involving machine learning, Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) Algorithms on usability data gathered through performance and self-reported data. This paper highlights the common problems in usability studies where the conventional analysis was frequently utilized while prioritizing usability issues. The utilization of clustering techniques is limited in the area of this study. A previous publication has shown how HAC was used in clustering usability problems in Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) learning applications. However, there has not been a triangulation effort to confirm the first gathered results due to small datasets. This research presents a methodology adopted from previous studies in confirming earlier usability analysis results. The experiments found consistent evidence approving the feasibility of HAC in clustering and prioritizing Usability performance and self-reported data. � 2019 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.
Augmented reality; Clustering algorithms; Machine learning; Usability engineering; English language teaching; Hierarchical agglomerative clustering; Mobile augmented reality; Performance metrics; Self-reported metrics; Usability; Hierarchical clustering