Publication: Integration of resistivity and seismic data to determine the cavity at Teluk Apau, Langkawi: An evaluation
Roslan R.
Omar R.C.
Baharuddin I.N.Z.
Wahab W.A.
Buslima F.S.
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Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
A geo-environmental evaluation to build and maintain the transmission tower often requires a large amount of spatial information to determine foundation and slope stability. Geo-electrical or resistivity measurements are capable of managing large amounts of spatially related information, enabling various layers of data to be integrated.These geophysical methods are readily available can assist engineering geologist and geotechnical engineers in obtaining the material properties and boundaries of sub-surface materials.Multi-criteria analyses are carried out to assess the development suitability of the transmission tower's geo-environment based on properly measured and weighted variables. It is demonstrated that Geo-electrical or resistivity measurements have high functionality for geo-environmental assessments. � BEIESP.