Capacitated vehicle-routing problem model for scheduled solid waste collection and route optimization using PSO algorithm

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Hannan M.A.
Akhtar M.
Begum R.A.
Basri H.
Hussain A.
Scavino E.
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Elsevier Ltd
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Waste collection widely depends on the route optimization problem that involves a large amount of expenditure in terms of capital, labor, and variable operational costs. Thus, the more waste collection route is optimized, the more reduction in different costs and environmental effect will be. This study proposes a modified particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm in a capacitated vehicle-routing problem (CVRP) model to determine the best waste collection and route optimization solutions. In this study, threshold waste level (TWL) and scheduling concepts are applied in the PSO-based CVRP model under different datasets. The obtained results from different datasets show that the proposed algorithmic CVRP model provides the best waste collection and route optimization in terms of travel distance, total waste, waste collection efficiency, and tightness at 70�75% of TWL. The obtained results for 1 week scheduling show that 70% of TWL performs better than all node consideration in terms of collected waste, distance, tightness, efficiency, fuel consumption, and cost. The proposed optimized model can serve as a valuable tool for waste collection and route optimization toward reducing socioeconomic and environmental impacts. � 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Costs; Efficiency; Routing algorithms; Scheduling; Solid wastes; Vehicle routing; Capacitated vehicle routing problem; Modified particle swarm optimization; Optimized models; Route optimization; Solid waste collection; Threshold waste level; Travel distance; Waste collection; Particle swarm optimization (PSO); fuel; algorithm; numerical model; optimization; routing; solid waste; transport vehicle; waste disposal; algorithm; Article; capacitated vehicle routing problem model; controlled study; cost; decision making; environmental impact; motor vehicle; nonbiological model; particle swarm optimization algorithm; priority journal; problem solving; process optimization; socioeconomics; solid waste management; travel; validation process; economics; solid waste; waste management; Algorithms; Costs and Cost Analysis; Solid Waste; Waste Management