Publication: A review on rear under-ride protection devices for trucks
Albahash Z.F.
Ansari M.N.M.
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Taylor and Francis Ltd.
A rear under-ride protection device is a metal structure that is found on the rear side of the trucks usually made of steel. At present some of the countries claimed to have developed �under-ride protection device� to address the problems related to automobile crashes especially car colliding with a truck from its rear side. However, the crashes lead to fatal ends due to the poor performance of the under-ride protection devices. This review is aimed to discuss the crashworthiness of vehicles under collisions, specific energy absorption during accidental impacts, energy absorbing systems, various types of materials used for energy absorption, under-ride protection devices and various types of under-ride protection devices that exist in the current market. � 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Accidents; Automobiles; Energy absorption; Finite element method; Trucks; Energy absorbing systems; Metal structures; Poor performance; Protection device; Rear side; Specific energy absorption; Structure design; Traffic safety; Crashworthiness