Development of a GPS-based highway toll collection system

Tan J.Y.
Ker P.J.
Mani D.
Arumugam P.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The necessity for vehicles to stop or slow down for toll fee payment results in traffic congestion and reduces fuel efficiency. Hence, a system that enables road users to pay the toll fees without stopping or slowing down was proposed and developed. Hardware and software designs were carried out to develop a Global Positioning System (GPS)-based highway toll collection system. This system was developed using a Raspberry Pi 2 microcontroller. Different modules such as GPS module, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module, speaker, wireless Wi-Fi router modem and wireless Wi-Fi adapter were incorporated and integrated with the microcontroller to perform a few specific functions. In general, the system utilized GPS coordinates to detect whether a vehicle passed through predefined locations in the database and the travel details were recorded. The Raspberry Pi 2 microcontroller was configured as a personal cloud server to allow online access of travel logs. This developed system presents a different approach for highway toll collection which eliminates travel delays and construction of expensive gantries or toll booths. � 2016 IEEE.
Control systems; Global positioning system; Liquid crystal displays; Microcontrollers; Motor transportation; Software design; Toll collection; Traffic congestion; Transportation; Wi-Fi; Wireless local area networks (WLAN); Fuel efficiency; GPS Coordinates; Hardware and software designs; Liquid crystal display(LCD); On-line access; Personal clouds; Raspberry Pi 2; Travel delays; Controllers