Publication: Synthesis and analysis of natural derived wollastonite as biomaterial application
Muhammad Haziq bin Martaza
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Thisiresearchibaseistudyiwasiconductedito investigate thereffect of incorporationaof titanium oxide (TiO2) andahydroxyapatite (HA) on the mechanicallproperties of wollastonite (CaSiO3). TiO2/CaSiO3/HA composites weretprepared and characterized by meanslof physical andlmechanical properties. Morphologylanalysis revealed that the wollastonite composite possesses atrough surface. Moreover, the additiontof TiO2 and HA to wollastonite was evaluated by means of bulktdensity and Vickers Hardness. The wollastonite compositesacontaining TiO2 (10–30 wt%) and HA (20–40 wt%) were sintered between 1230°C and 1270°C, withta ramp rate of 10°C/min and alholding time of 2 h. The results indicatedtthat the additives playedta significant parttin enhancing the physicalrand mechanicalrproperties of the composite wollastonite in comparison to the pure wollastonite, particularly inacomposites containingthigher percentage of TiO2 (25–30 wt%) and lower HA (20–25 wt%). Furthermore, the resultstobtained from the XRD analysis revealedtthat the newlyrformed apatite particles on theasurface of the wollastonite composite were compriserof superfine crystallinetand defectiveastructure grains.
Interim sem 2020 / 2021
Ha , TiO2 , Casio3