Publication: Analysing the energy consumtions and potential energy and cost savings in a factory
Hwa Pui San Panisha
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The aim of this study was to identify the potential energy and cost savings, and carbon emission reductions of manufacturing sector in Malaysia by the implementation of energy efficient measures analysis of a preliminary energy audit conducted. The industrial establishment selected for this research was listed under the establishments that were affected by a government regulation and being one of the highest electrical energy consumers in the state of Selangor. This research was conducted in four stages of analyses, which were in terms of energy use, carbon emission, economic and energy conservation measures (ECMs). The analyses were conducted using factory utility bills and relevant operating data obtained from a preliminary audit conducted. Also, the ECMs analysis in this research focuses on the use of variable speed drive industrial electric motors. The implementation of the energy efficient motors able to provide potential energy savings and carbon emission reduction of 22% to 89%, and cost savings of 6.74% to 76.31% in the factory. Also, energy intensity reduction of 10.24% to 60.52% can be attained by the ECM proposed.
Interim sem 2020 / 2021
Energy savings