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Mohamad Firdaus Mat Saad
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Over time, many Operating Procedures have been developed aimed to manage natural disasters including floods. These procedures have been instrumental in reducing impact and improving relief with varying degrees of success. However, one particularweakness that needs to be addressed is the often time rigid procedures, which havebeen found to be unsuitable in a complex and rather chaotic environment associated with the nature of flood disaster. Hence, this study aimed to propose the inclusion of agile elements in flood management, which will lend flexibility and adaptability in managing the dynamic flood situation. Extensive reviews on flood management and existing disaster management frameworks were conducted to understand problems and the potential solution to build an agile framework. Field studies were conducted to gain insight into how to improve the agility of the standard operating procedures. Specifically, COBIT 5 served as the formal theoretical grounding due to its acceptance by governance and management practitioners world-wide in addressing complexity. The agile elements were identified by comparing attributes from other successful disciplines such as software development and disaster management that share similar complexity and chaotic environments as disaster management. As a result, an Agile Framework for Flood Management is proposed. A theoretical evaluation was carried out, utilizing the metadata concept to test the proposed key values of the agile framework. As a consequence of the assessment, the similarity feature has been identified inside the same area where the proposed framework is agreed to be applied in tandem with the Tenaga Nasional Berhad emergency response plan to improve flood operations. It is hoped that the framework will be adopted and improved further based on several factors to be considered.