Publication: Design of auto - balance wheelchair
Poovaneswaran A/l Kalisvaran
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As a known fact, a wheelchair serves the purpose of transporting people when walking is difficult or impossible due to illness, injury or even disability. In this thesis, the explanation on the design and construction of the self-balancing wheelchair is legitimate. The said wheelchair has a set of two wheels to support the transportation mode. This self-balancing mechanism is achieved by using gyroscope and accelerometer sensor (MPU6050). Proper circuitry diagram which includes sufficient voltage and current pass through each component leads to efficient mode of self-balancing mechanism. The use of batteries will allow the wheelchair to operate for longer hours. This wheelchair not only using MPU6050 but also the proportional-integral and derivative control (PID) to compute and self-balance at 0.1 seconds interval.
Keyword: Self balancing wheelchair, PID control, Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Arduino
self - balancing wheelchair , PID control , gyroscope , arduino , Accelerometer