InterviewME: A comparative pilot study on M-learning and MAR-learning prototypes in Malaysian english language teaching

Cheng L.K.
Selamat A.
Alias R.A.
Puteh F.
bin Mohamed F.
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Springer Verlag
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The Malaysian English Language Teaching (ELT) of English as a Second Language (ESL) has been a long debated topic from implementation of methodologies, strategies and models to the tools used to deliver English education to Malaysian learners. This paper highlights the two emerging tools namely Mobile Learning (M-learning) and Mobile Augmented Reality Learning (MAR-learning) in ELT. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparative study verifying if MAR-learning is significantly more motivating and satisfying than M-learning in ELT. This paper will first present the current trends in both technologies, followed by the development of the first MAR-learning prototype before being evaluated comparatively with the current existing M-learning application. The last section of this paper will highlight the results of the study in compliance with the generated hypotheses. � Springer International Publishing AG 2017.
Artificial intelligence; Augmented reality; E-learning; Information systems; Motivation; Software prototyping; Teaching; Comparative studies; English as a second languages (ESL); English as second languages; English educations; English language teaching; Malaysian english; Mobile augmented reality; Mobile Learning; Computer aided instruction