The effectiveness of teaching and learning programming using embedded system

Suliman A.
Nazeri S.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Programming is undoubtedly one of the most important skills needed in the field of information technology as the use of IT requires applications that can only be developed through programming. However, the number of programmers in Malaysia is still low. Most often, Malaysia imports programmers from abroad such as Indonesia and India to serve its need in system development. This occurs because even for students who are studying IT or computer science, programming is not a career option. To overcome this problem, the government of Malaysia has taken the initiative to introduce the subject of ICT and Computer Programming courses in schools. The initiative however is still unable to attract the desired number of students to programming. Thus Embedded Systems Programming (ESP) module is developed to attract students to programming. ESP module is not much different from the existing modules for C programming, but it uses electronic components, such as LED, LCD, 7-segment display and motors as output. Testing on the effectiveness of the modules was conducted at four schools that comprise the overall participation of 71 students. Students were taught three days modules and learning outcomes were assessed based on quizzes, survey questions and observations by the instructors. The results received were positive by looking at the students' achievements and commitment in learning this subject. � 2012 AICIT.
embedded systems , programming , teaching and learning , teaching programming in schools , Computer programming , Information science , Information technology , International trade , Light emitting diodes , Liquid crystal displays , Mathematical programming , Societies and institutions , Students , Teaching , C programming , Career options , Computer programming course , Electronic component , Indonesia , Learning outcome , Malaysia , System development , Teaching and learning , Teaching programming , Embedded systems