Publication: Development Of A Device To Measure Small Current For Lightning Arrester Monitoring
AAini Noor Hannani Nor Faizal
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This thesis reports on the development of a device to measure small currents for lightning
arrester monitoring. The usage of lightning arresters and surge arresters have been
popularized as a means of protection for equipment from the damaging effect of surge. The
health of a lighting arrester is known by observing the significance of the leakage–current–
value of the arrester. Since leakage–current–is generally small, the construction of the
device will focus on reading very low–current–values. Upon realizing this idea, the use of
operational amplifiers and Arduino UNO is optimized. Arduino UNO functionality is very
useful for this project as the measure value can be displayed on a serial port. Data can be
logged in, recorded, and evaluated for future improvements and also to study on the
usability of the circuit itself. Several circuit design and simulator platforms such as EAGLE
software, KiCad, LTspice and Proteus Design Suite have been utilized to carry the specific
task. Various simulation and tabulated outcomes are discussed in order to evaluate the
efficiency of the device for accurate readings and measurements.
Current , Lighting Arrester , Arduino , Arrester Monitoring , Op Amp