Publication: Voltage stability evaluation using indexes based on static and dynamic simulations
Mohd Kairuldin Abd Rahman
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In the time of rapid growth, there is an increase of demand due to build up many factory and heavy industry around the world. Due to this, utility companies are forced to operate their power system nearer to its maximum capabilities since system expansion may be a costly option. The utility companies operate power system at maximum capabilities cause the power system will be at risk to voltage collapse. Voltage collapse gave bad impact to the power system operation. The ultimate effect of voltage collapse would be total system collapse which would incur high losses to utility companies. This project evaluates voltage stability of selected system(s) based on static and dynamic analysis using PSSE software with various types of index. The indexes involved in analysis such as Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI), Line Stability Index (Lmn), Line Stability Factor (LQP) and Line Voltage Stability Index (Lvsi). The indexes used to identify of weakness at line and in power system. The analysis started with nine bus static and dynamic simulation and further with thirty bus static and dynamic simulation. Every simulation is divided to three cases analysis. Every cases have own purpose and it more referring to base case analysis. The detail analysis are presented in all cases static and dynamic simulation.
TK1010.M63 2012
Electric power system stability , Simulation methods