Acoustic isolation of Jute and Kapok fiber reinforced Polypropylene composites

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Azieyanti N.A.
Faris R.
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IOP Publishing Ltd
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For the requirements of human health initiative especially when emerging of advanced composite material technology, manufactures of high efficient acoustical materials are necessary to regulate the noise pollution. The objective of this study is to fabricate the jute and kapok fiber reinforced polypropylene composites and to analyze the comparison of acoustic isolation effect of jute and kapok fiber reinforced polypropylene composites. To produce these two types of composites material, the raw materials went through a different stage of procedure such as, blending, mixing and heat compression molding process. Polypropylene was filled with jute and kapok fiber at various loading at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% each. The composites were prepared by using Brabender Torque Rheometer Plastograph machine and the hot press at temperature 180 C with 50 rpm. The acoustic test was conducted by using insertion loss method in sine wave tube device to measure the different sound level, loss in these two composites material. Based on the result observed, the higher of weight percentage of jute and kapok fiber in each composition, the better of the performance for each material and the optimum result for each composite are determined to be 30% filler loading. It also can be conclude that the used of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composites give an outstanding result in term of sound absorption and transmission loss compared to kapok reinforced polypropylene composites. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.