Publication: The Stability of the Fill Embankment Erected from the Ringlet Reservoir Dredged Sediment
Hafez M.A.
Lee C.Y.
Fadhli Bin Mamat A.
Sabri Muda R.
Almkhal Z.
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In this study, numerical simulation was conducted to characterize and quantify the soil-structure interaction for buried concrete box culverts under high fill embankments. For such buried culverts, the dead weight of soil itself is the main design load, and the effect of live loads is not considered significant. Important factors that influence soil-structure interaction include the effect of the embankment height, the relative stiffness of the existing and backfill soil, culvert buried depth, and the rigidity of the subgrade layer on which the culvert rests. � 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.