Publication: Development of portable device for student attendance system
Muhammad Haziq bin Nuryahaya
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Attendanceasystem is very important for recording the present of student/employees in college, school or anyaorganization. Traditionalamethod like signature sheet for attendance system is simple and working but faceamany problem likeasignature duplication, misplace, lost or damage. The objective of this study to develop portable attendance system using biometric technologyawith aim to have a simple andaportable attendance systemalike attendance sheet but able toaprevent attendance abused and easy management for attendance data. The portable device was develop using raspberryapi and a camera while the software inside was developed using OpenCVapackage in Python language to detectathe face. A GUI interfaceawas designed for simple and user friendly operation. The performance of theadevice was tested with 15 trialsaof 5 different student for 2 case studyawhich are without spectacles and with spectacle face. It can be conclude, that a portable biometric based attendance system was successfullyadeveloped and the overallaaccuracy of the device is 72%.
Interim sem 2020 / 2021
Portable device , Attendance system , Raspberry Pi