Publication: Optimal Placement Of FACTS Devices In Power System Using Computational Intelligence Based Method
Mohammad Haikal Bin Aziz
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Power system is a network consists generation, distribution and transmission system. However, the power generation and transmission are limited due to the increasing of power demand. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) is a system consist the combination of power electronic and power system devices to counter and the power transfer stability. FACTS device to be installed is Static VAR Compensator (SVC). The SVC controlled the voltage at the selected bus by regulating the location of the reactive power injection. It also injects or absorbs reactive power in the center of the high voltage of transmission line. The important things to install the SVC in power system is the optimal placement and size of the SVC units. This thesis reports are about the application of Artificial Immune System (AIS) technique to determine optimal size of the SVC. The idea of AIS is derived from biological vertebrate immune network. Some mathematical immune algorithm is obtained based on the immune system network. The quality achieved by this technique is tested on the IEEE 30-Bus Reliability Test System (RTS). There are two units of SVC to be installed and two cases have been discussed in the AIS technique. Case I is the reactive power loading, while the Case II is (N-1) and (N-2) contingency. In term of minimization of total system losses and improvement of voltage deviation index, results that have been optimize by AIS obtained a good solution.
FYP 2 SEM 2 2019/2020
FACT Devices , Statics Var Compensator Artifial Immune System