Investigation on the performance of micro wind turbine developed using air conditioner exhaust air to generate

dc.contributor.authorDzulhakimi Bin Dzulkiflien_US
dc.description.abstractEnergy can be harvested from air conditioner exhaust air as it has the advantages of being predictable and readily available. The energy recovery system was done by utilizing a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) which is placed at the exhaust outlet to produce electricity for LED of house lightings from the discharged wind. In this research, a 3-bladed micro wind turbine prototype with a blade length of 0.2 meter is developed and tested on the exhaust air of the condenser unit of the air conditioner. The rotational speed and voltage output produced by the HAWT was investigated. The performance of the HAWT was also investigated and compared when it is being tested on air conditioner with different horsepower units (1.0, 1.5, 2.0 Hp). The findings show that the maximum output voltage generated is 0.8 Volts when the turbine is tested on a 2.0-Horsepowered air conditioner compared to a 1.0-Horsepowered air conditioner. This shows that a higher output voltage will be generated as the horsepower rating of the air conditioner is higher. This system of energy recovery can be used to produce additional supply of power for urban building energy demands. The proliferation of air conditioner usage on buildings enables this energy recovery system to have great market appeal towards the application of green technology.en_US
dc.subjectmicro winden_US
dc.titleInvestigation on the performance of micro wind turbine developed using air conditioner exhaust air to generateen_US
dc.title.alternativeelectricity for house lightingen_US