Publication: Relationship between suspended sediment and river discharge for selected rivers in Malaysia
Alla Emad Fareed (Haj Abed)
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Suspended sediment has huge impacts in rivers such as harming eco life, transportation of harmful chemicals and increasing water treatment costs. In this thesis, the relationship between suspended sediment and river discharge were investigated for three rivers in peninsular Malaysia; The Kelantan river, The Pahang river and The Muda river. The data required for the research was daily records of Qs and Qw in (m3/s), which was supplied by the department of irrigation and drainage. The analysis was based on the most major Qs event which was analyzed based on factors such as land use as well as known phenomena such as erosion and runoff Moreover, correlation analysis and regression analysis was conducted for the determining the strength of the relationship between both variables and the generation of Qs estimation formulas respectively. Results have shown a strong relationship between both variables where R value was between 0.88-0.99. This relationship is also supported by the formulas generated where the Qs can fairly accurately be estimated due to the R2 being between 0.9967- 0.9999. Finally, the Kelantan river showed highest percentage of Qs/Qw with around 1.2% during the maximum Qw observed. This was due to the flood and the dry periods prior to it and the mountainous topography. Whereas Pahang river had the lowest Qs/ Qw percentage rate during the maximum Qw, the percentage was only 0.0112% due to factors such as gentle mountains and high forest jungle percentages. Finally, Muda river had a higher Qs/Qw percentage than Pahang but a lower maximum Qs, the Qs should've been much higher considering the mountainous river basin and heavy floods however it seems that the dams present prior to the recording station regulated the flow and suppressed the results tremendously.
TC175.2.A44 2017
Sediment transport