ECG development using stethoscope

Ahmed Abdelrhman Dafalseed Osman
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Research Projects
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This final year report focuses primarily on the improvement of a system that measures heat beat rate by means of a stethoscope. Hence, within the scope work of this project, the current stethoscope is altered in a way that it can be utilized to screen the heart beat rate in a computer while evaluating the heart beat per minute. For the sake of attaining the required objective, a microcontroller 16F877A is utilized, which communicates with the sensor that's placed within the stethoscope's pipe. It then communicates to the main computer through a USB to serial cable. The sensor that's used for this purpose is a form of mini microphone. When the stethoscope is placed in a way that it's touching the patient's body, the sound of the heart's beat is augmented before being sent to the tiny microphone, which translates the sound wave into electrical changeable amplitude analogue signals. When the amplifier is executed preceding the microcontroller, the electrical varying analogue signal (EVAS) that represents heart beat signal, is then enlarged. The microcontroller then reads the signals before transferring them to the computer. The computer is equipped with a GUI window designed specifically to view the wave form of the heart beat rate. The means with which the GUI interacts with the USB port Is through the insertion of com port commands. Hence, the microcontroller reads the waveform of the heartbeat whenever the port is validated. At the completion of this undertaking, an essential prototype for the measurement of heart beat is to be built. This prototype should also have the capability to both measure the heart beat as well as view its waveform in the GUI window.
RC683.5 .E5 A35 2013