Publication: Synthesis and characterization of niai nano particles using fatty acid for thermal barrier coating
Mohamad Al Azzim Mohd Shariff
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The used of Thermal Barrier Coating in elevated temperature environment are very important as it provide maximum protection to the material that expose to critical temperature. NiAl are widely used as the coating material for Thermal Barrier Coating system because of the suitable properties especially in gas turbine application. This study objective is to synthesis the NiAl by using gel combustion synthesis method. This method used fatty acid ester for producing the NiAl powders. The effects of the calcination duration and temperature on NiAl- a- A1203 were investigated in order to characterize the behavior of the nanoparticles produced. X-Ray diffraction and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope were used throughout the project to analyze the samples. With the use of calcination temperature at 1050°C and four hours of calcination duration give the most behavior of nanoparticles. Therefore, with the parameter configurations nanoparticles NiAl with the presence of a- A1203 can be successfully produced with gel combustion synthesis method by using fatty acid ester as fuels.
TA418.26 .M63 2014
Materials at high temperatures , Thermal barrier coatings