A new higher-order RBF-FD scheme with optimal variable shape parameter for partial differential equation

Ng Y.L.
Ng K.C.
Sheu T.W.H.
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Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Radial basis functions (RBFs) with multiquadric (MQ) kernel have been commonly used to solve partial differential equation (PDE). The MQ kernel contains a user-defined shape parameter (?), and the solution accuracy is strongly dependent on the value of this ?. In this study, the MQ-based RBF finite difference (RBF-FD) method is derived in a polynomial form. The optimal value of ? is computed such that the leading error term of the RBF-FD scheme is eliminated to improve the solution accuracy and to accelerate the rate of convergence. The optimal ? is computed by using finite difference (FD) and combined compact differencing (CCD) schemes. From the analyses, the optimal ? is found to vary throughout the domain. Therefore, by using the localized shape parameter, the computed PDE solution accuracy is higher as compared to the RBF-FD scheme which employs a constant value of ?. In general, the solution obtained by using the ? computed from CCD scheme is more accurate, but at a higher computational cost. Nevertheless, the cost-effectiveness study shows that when the number of iterative prediction of ? is limited to two, the present RBF-FD with ? by CCD scheme is as effective as the one using FD scheme. � 2019, � 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Cost effectiveness; Finite difference method; Iterative methods; Partial differential equations; Computational costs; Optimal variables; Partial differential equations (PDE); Polynomial form; Radial basis functions; Rate of convergence; Shape parameters; Solution accuracy; Radial basis function networks