Biogas as alternative SOFC fuel: Research and implementation

Arifin N.A.
Steinberger-Wilckens R.
Shamsuddin A.H.
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Institute of Physics Publishing
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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With the current environment situation and the inclining demand of energy globally, SOFC fits as the perfect solution with up to 90% efficiency and ultra-low emission. Adaptation of this advanced green technology with biogas is still limited despite of the availability of the fuel. The main aim of this paper is to bring into attention the possibility of this technology implementation in agriculture-based country utilising the readily available biogas and as reliable renewable energy option. This paper briefly reports on the possible reaction in the SOFC fuelled by biogas compared to the operation with hydrogen, the material suitability and modification to tolerate biogas fuel; and finally, the demonstration of biogas fuelled SOFC with brief review on economic studies. This paper concludes that SOFC fuelled by biogas is technology and economically feasible with payback period as short as 7.7 years when paired with micro gas turbine. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Agricultural robots; Hydrogen fuels; Investments; Economic study; Green technology; IS technologies; Low emission; Micro gas turbines; Payback periods; Renewable energies; Technology implementation; Biogas