Novel load management for renewable generation sources/battery system through cut energy expenditure and generate revenue

Bahrami N.
Liu S.
Ponkratov V.V.
Nguyen P.T.
Maseleno A.
Berti S.
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Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The sources that provide energy to large electricity consumers include: pool market, bilateral contracts, micro-turbines, battery storage system, wind turbine and PV system as well as demand response program (DRP). Because of the uncertainty in the Pool Market the final cost of the large consumer is not identifiable. With the aim of improving the performance of large consumers in the risk-averse strategy, a strong optimisation method is recommended for pool markets in the presence of uncertainty. In large consumers due to high costs and with the aim of reducing it, the DRP method is used. By analysing the results, it can be concluded that DRP has had an important impact on total procurement cost of a large electricity consumer. By examining the results based on robust optimisation method, it can be discussed that the without using of DRP in the risk-neutral strategy is lower than the risk-averse strategy. Also, it can be said that the procurement cost of large electricity consumer with using of DRP program has been decreased 8.2% and 6.5% in the risk-neutral and risk-averse strategy, respectively. � 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Commerce; Electric energy storage; Electric load management; Electric power utilization; Lakes; Optimization; Photovoltaic cells; Risk analysis; Wind power; Battery storage system; Demand response programs; Electricity consumers; Energy storage systems; Industrial users; Photovoltaic systems; Renewable generation; Robust optimisation; Costs