Microstrip patch antenna for RFID applications

Nayli Adriana Azhar
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The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies widely used in current era especially in industries due to its various benefits. The making of RFID systems antennas require low cost and low profile. This offers the microstrip patch antennas as a potential solution for the applications as it is low cost, lightweight and easy to fabricate. In this project, a different shape of RFID microstrip patch reader antenna has been designed and simulated on CST simulation. The antennas were designed using FR4 dielectric substrate of permittivity &, = 4.4. The antennas should be operating at operating frequency of 921 MHz. The proposed antennas are also fabricated and measured using Network Analyzer to validate the functionality. The square microstrip patch antenna was chosen with performance on CST Microwave Studio at return loss - 50.91 dB, VSWR 1.007 and gain 5.19 dBi. The fabricated square microstrip patch antenna having a return loss of -15.65 dB and VSWR of 1.40.
TK7871.67.M5 N39 2019
Microstrip antennas , Radio frequency identification systems