Publication: Stable and Broad Multiwavelength Generation with the Assistance of Intensity Dependent Loss Mechanism based on Bidirectional SOA
Sulaiman A.H.
Ismail A.
Abdullah F.
Jamaludin M.Z.
Mahdi M.A.
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IOP Publishing Ltd
Multiwavelength fiber laser is based on bidirectional semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is demonstrated. The multiwavelength spectrum from this setup produces 143 lasing lines within 5 dB uniformity. This bidirectional setup can maintain a flat multiwavelength lines with high peak power since both lights from SOA are fully utilized. The combination of polarization controllers (PCs), SOA and polarization beam combiner (PBC) induces an intensity dependent loss (IDL) mechanism which acts as the flatness element. The multiwavelength performance is investigated at different SOA current and PCs setting. Lower SOA current and different PC adjustment deteriorate multiwavelength performance. The laser is greatly stable since no laser fluctuation is found within 100 minutes of stability test. � Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Fiber amplifiers; Fiber lasers; Microcomputers; Polarization; Bidirectional semiconductor optical amplifiers; High peak power; Intensity-dependent; Loss mechanisms; Multi wavelength fiber laser; Multiwavelength generation; Multiwavelength spectra; Polarization controllers; Semiconductor optical amplifiers