Nuclear Power Acceptance among University Staffs and Students

Hayder G.
Rahim M.S.A.
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Institute of Physics Publishing
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The need to consider alternative energy sources becomes very real. Nuclear has been identified as an alternative electricity source. However, media reports seem to indicate that there is a resistance among peoples with regards to harnessing nuclear for energy. This study was conducted to assess the acceptance level of university staff and students towards nuclear energy by asking them to answer a questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed in a way to gauge their background knowledge on the energy situation of the country, the risks involved with regards to nuclear energy and also what aspects need to be improved in order to have a safe integration of nuclear energy into the national energy mix. The overall result of the questionnaire indicated high level of support for nuclear energy. The main areas of concerns however, were waste management, control and governance and also nuclear accidents. These should be identified as fields that require extra attention. However, the positive result obtained from this survey should not be construed as overall strong support in general. There might be different outcomes if the survey was conducted on to the general population as compared to the university students and staff that were involved in this research.
Nuclear energy; Students; Surveys; Waste management; Alternative energy source; Areas of concerns; Back-ground knowledge; Electricity source; Energy situation; General population; Nuclear accidents; University students; Nuclear reactor accidents; electricity industry; knowledge; nuclear power; perception; questionnaire survey; research work; student; university sector; waste management