IoT System Design of Thermoelectric Generator for Harvesting Motorcycle Exhaust Heat Energy

Ali K.
Mohamad A.J.
Rifai D.
Besar M.B.
Ikhmal M.A.
Mamat N.H.
Raja Aris R.S.N.A.
Siaw Paw J.K.
Abdalla A.N.
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Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Online food delivery is the latest trend to hit the world. This trend has increased rapidly in recent years as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which struck at once changing the country�s economic landscape. Therefore, motorcycles and mobile phones with high data access and battery storage capacity are used mainly involving identifying the place of delivery. Due to the widespread and frequent use of cellular phones in tracking the position of food delivery then causing the cellular phone battery storage will be depleted and require recharging the phone which involves a long time. This in turn will cause delays in the food delivery procedure. The development of a Thermoelectric Generator system using the Internet of Things (IoT) for energy harvesting is very important. Given that the development method is based on the differential temperature on the exhaust chamber of the motorcycle and heatsink to solve the problem of charging a cellular phone on a motorcycle. The process of developing this system requires control over the voltage capacity as well as the ability to monitor it online through the Internet of Things system. The development of this system revealed that large temperature difference rates produce high electrical voltages to 10 V with power rates up to 206 mW. It also shows that the quantity of TEG will affect the rate of voltage increase and the value of power produced in direct proportion as the quantity of TEG increases. In conclusion, the benefits of temperature changes will generate reusable energy for daily use. � 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Cellular telephones; Digital storage; Energy harvesting; Motorcycles; Secondary batteries; Thermoelectric equipment; Battery storage; Cellular Phone; Data access; Exhaust; Exhaust heat; Food delivery; Heat; Heat energy; Thermoelectric; Thermoelectric generators; Internet of things