A Dynamical Behavior Measurement Algorithm for Smart Meter Data: An Analytical Study

Al-Ghaili A.M.
Baskaran H.
Ibrahim Z.-A.
Rahim F.A.
Hairi S.A.S.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Smart Meter Data (SMD) has been considered by many as sensitive due to many reasons. One of these reasons is the security issue possessed by the SMD. With the raising popularity of the smart meter deployment around the world have raised new issues regarding the security of the SMD. Attacker with malicious intention and equip with certain capability can directly inject a false reading to the actual consumption of the SMD. Because of this reason, the protection and privacy of SMD have become a consideration in many researches. In order to protect and secure SMD, it is very important to understand the pattern of the SMD behavior. The studied from SMD can expose the past event that happened to the actual data as any direct manipulation to the SMD. In order to track any changes to the SMD, this paper has proposed a Dynamical Behavior Measurement Algorithm (DBMA), which involves a number of mathematical operations in order to understand and highlight in graphs the behavior of SMD and the mechanism of numbers' changing. The obtained results from DBMA would be useful to track the SMD if there is any form of malicious data being injected to the actual SMD thus can help in enhancing the SMD security. An experimental work has been conducted where 43200 samples have been tested and analysed using the proposed DBMA. The analysis evaluation of this work has been presented in this paper. � 2019 IEEE.
Data Analytics; Dynamics; Graph algorithms; Smart meters; Time series; Analysis evaluation; Analytical studies; Direct manipulation; Dynamical behaviors; Mathematical operations; Security issues; Network security