Formation of Research Area for Malaysian Urban Data Centre and Waste Heat Recovery

Othman M.
Maidin S.S.
Suliman A.
Zakaria N.Z.
Nassar D.
Al-Ghaili A.M.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The realization that the energy consumption due to digital application will continue to rise significantly while climate change has persistently demand efficiency in the energy use, has triggered data centers to become more accountable in shouldering the task to operate sustainably. Green strategy for data centers, among others, should look at improving treatment of waste heat generated by their operation and cooling process. While intensive efforts are taking place in Scandinavian countries, many countries are yet to follow in their steps. A case study involving three urban data centres in Malaysia is conducted to gain insight on their potential in implementing waste heat recovery for utilization by relevant systems within their vicinity. It is found that the data centers have attained favourable in term of safety, security and reliability. However, there are a lot to be desired from the aspect of energy efficiency. A way forward suggests for further study to explore adoption and innovation of waste heat recycling models to improve the performance of Malaysian urban data centers in alignment to improve use and reuse of energy whilst making them more climate-neutral. � 2022 IEEE.
Climate change; Climate models; Energy efficiency; Energy utilization; Green computing; Waste heat utilization; Waste treatment; Cooling process; Datacenter; Digital applications; Energy use; Energy-consumption; Malaysians; Operation process; Research areas; Sustainable; Waste-heat recovery; Waste heat