Study and Design of Academic Board Game ( AB-BGAME 2.0) using Quality Function Deployment Procedure

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Amir Aiman Bin Aziz Zabidi
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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ABSTRACT This project discusses about stress that is affecting people’s life and bring about negative implication towards them. To curb this problem, a study and design of academic board game (AB-BGame®2.0) using quality function deployment (QFD) procedure is set in motion. This project focuses on children who faces difficulty with multiplication problem and also college adults who faces difficulty with Mechanics: Static problem involving vector with kinaesthetic type learner to keep in mind. Research will be done to fully understand the problems face and how to overcome them. Using QFD, surveys and house of quality (HOQ) are done to provide the best option for the product. AB-BGame®2.0 is produced to manage the stress and also improve the brain power scientifically thus increasing their grade and understandings. Tests are carried out on some childrens and college adults where improvements on time taken to complete the questions are recorded. The fastest time for children and adults to complete the stack tracking test is 21 seconds and 33 seconds with an average of 29% and 5% time increase rate achieved. This shows that they are more focus and can concentrate better. The fastest time for children and adults to complete their respective questions are 7 minutes and 15 minutes with an average of 16.64% and 14.37% time increase rate achieved. The increase time rate of the test playing the AB-BGame®2.0 proves to be a success as stress is overcomed and knowledge and understandings are instilled in the participant.
Board game , Quality function deployment , Neuro - Linguistic Programming