Integrating Fuzzy Logic Technique in Case-Based Reasoning for Improving the Inspection Quality of Software Requirements Specifications

Mostafa S.A.
Gunasekaran S.S.
Khaleefah S.H.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The development success of software is essentially based on the quality of its Software Requirements Specifications (SRS). A requirement represents the main objective that needs to be accomplished, while a specification is a full description of this objective. The inspection of the Software Requirements Specification (iSRS) system is developed to ensure that the SRSs are of high quality. This paper presents the contribution of integrating a fuzzy logic technique in the Case Base Reasoning (CBR) as a reasoning framework in the iSRS system. The fuzzy logic technique provides a disambiguation mechanism within the Retrieve, Reuse, Revise, and Retain steps of the CBR cycle. Specifically, it is used as a similarity measurement technique in the matching process between the inspected SRS cases and the existing SRS cases in the CBR case base. It then classifies and labels the cases in the case base to no-match, partial-match and, complete-match cases. This classification improves the overall reasoning and inspection of the SRS quality by comparing the inspected case with the most similar cases of the case base. � 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Computer circuits; Engineering research; Formal specification; Fuzzy logic; Inspection; Requirements engineering; Case-base reasonings; Fuzzy logic techniques; Inspection quality; Matching process; Quality inspection; Reasoning framework; Similarity measurements; Software requirements specifications; Case based reasoning