Dispatch Control Of Photovoltaic (PV) Output Power Using Battery Energy Storage System In An Autonomous Nanogrid

Raihanah Binti hamid
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Research Projects
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Photovoltaic (PV) output power is intermittent in nature, with daily changes due to availability of sunlight and clouds. The output power of the PV due to these changes may influence the stability of the grid-connected distribution as well as not being able to meet the energy demand for an autonomous system. As such, the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) are commonly used to mitigate the intermittencies of solar energy. The research described in the thesis focuses on the analysis and simulation of photovoltaic system incorporating battery energy system in an autonomous nano grid. This thesis presents a control system for mitigating the fluctuations in output power from the PV system. In this respect, the BESS is used to eliminate the fluctuation in PV output power. Computer models of the system are developed and implemented using MATLAB: Simulink software.
PV Output Power Leveling , Battery Energy Storage System