Monitoring Campus Streetlights Using Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network

Nazhan Hashemi Bin Hishamuddin
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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A faulty streetlight around campus can encourage crimes and leads to accidents. Thus, it is very important to detect and report on a faulty streetlight to the authorities instantly. Currently, the system requires a person to report on the faulty streetlight to the relevant authority before a repairing process can be done. Therefore, a system that can report the faulty streetlight on the spot is indispensable. In making measurement, instead of using cabled sensors which have several disadvantages such as, labor intensive and time consuming, a wireless communication of sensors can be helpful. This is where a technology of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is very much needed. WSN is as a network of small embedded devices, called sensors that can be used in many areas such as, environmental monitoring, industrial applications, and security and surveillance. ZigBee is one of many types of WSN that are available. Zigbee is a low-power, lowspeed, and short-range WSN. It is ideal to be used to monitor and reporting on faulty streetlight wirelessly around campus. This paper will discuss on how the system integrates WSN concept with the streetlighting system in campus. The sensor can be used to monitor and gives a current and power reading of the streetlights. The streetlight monitoring can be observed on the spot through a computer.
Streetlight , Zigbee , WSN