Publication: Antenna Beam forming Technology Based Enhanced Metamaterial Superstrates
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Bashar B.S.
Rhazali Z.A.
Elwi T.A.
Misran H.
Ismail M.M.
Mahdi M.
Alanssari A.I.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
The proposed antenna system is designed for modern wireless communication technologies. Therefore, to match the modern applications, the proposed antenna is structured to provide multi-frequency bands with enhanced gain at the frequency band of interest. Consequently, the proposed antenna is consistent of two patches: The first, or the main patch, is a square patch layer is mounted on Taconic FR-30 substrate. The second patch is constructed as a meander ring with two stubs to increase the generated frequency bands. Nevertheless, the proposed patch is shaped as V-shape line to ensure antenna beam splitting at the desired frequency bands. The second patch is excited by the first patch by capacitive coupling; where, the first patch is excited by conduction with 50? discrete port. On the other hand, a metasurface layer is introduced to the proposed design mounted on the second antenna patch, as superstrate, to increase the antenna gain toward the bore-sight direction. Thus, it is found that the proposed antenna shows a maximum gain of 8dBi at 4.2GHz with maximum dimensions of 108� 108mm2. The proposed antenna operates at other frequency bands at 2.6GHz, 4.2GHz, and 5.6GHz with acceptable return losses of -16.8dB, -12.3dB and -30.6dB, sequentially. The antenna designed numerically using CST MWS software package. � 2022 IEEE.
Beam forming networks; Beamforming; Metamaterials; Slot antennas; Antenna beams; Antenna system; Beam splitting; Beam-forming; Forming technology; Modern applications; SMPA; Superstrates; Technology-based; Wireless communication technology; Microstrip antennas