A novel compensation current control method for grid-connected PV inverter to improve power quality in micro-grid

Naderipour A.
Abdul-Malek Z.
Afrouzi H.N.
Ramachandaramurthy V.K.
Guerrero J.M.
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IEEE Computer Society
Research Projects
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This paper presents a new control method for grid-connected pulse width modulation (PWM) inverters to reduce the output current harmonic distortion in a wide range of grid-connected distributed generation applications, including photovoltaic (PV) inverter. The proposed control method is designed to eliminate harmonics in micro-grid and to correct the system unbalance. The proposed technique is able to increase the inverter output current around 18 times of conventional one. Another advantage of the proposed control method is that it can be easily adopted into the distributed generation (DG) control system without the installation of extra hardware. The proposed control method comprises of the advance synchronous reference frame method (ASRF). � 2018 IEEE.
Distributed power generation; Electric inverters; Electric power transmission networks; Power quality; Pulse width modulation; Quality control; Voltage control; Distributed generation application; Grid-connected PV inverters; Micro turbine; Photovoltaic; Photovoltaic inverters; Pulse width modulation inverters; Synchronous reference frame; Three-phase grid connected inverters; Electric power system control