Publication: A Study Of Third Harmonic Voltage Injection Pulse Width Modulation Technique In Voltage Source Inverter
Priyadarshini a/p Manogar
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In industrial applications, inverters are generally utilized by uninterruptible power supplies, induction. heating, AC.Motors, and etc. Nonetheless, optimal inverters must have sinusoidal waveform for output voltage and contains different harmonics. Harmonics content can be reduced by various modulation techniques. Nowadays, researchers are hence looking for modulation techniques to reduce harmonics to provide quality waveforms .Their recent published studies have reported that the third.harmonic voltage.injection pulse width modulation (THVI-PWM) techniques have best performances compared to other modulation techniques. In this thesis, different modulation techniques have been applied to voltage source inverter. The six step inverter, sinusoidal.pulse,width modulation technique (SPWM) and the third harmonic voltage injection technique (THVI-PWM) .The PWM technique are simulated and the results are analyzed utilizing Fast Fourier Transform analysis (FFT) to analyze the total harmonic distortion (THD).The simulations are performed in MATLAB/Simulink. Simulation was also carried out with AC passive filters to ensure the THD is satisfied with the industrial standard.
Harmonics , Inverter , PWM