Cancer Cases And The Electromagnetic Fields And Waves Exposure

dc.contributor.authorMuhammad Mirza Syahmie Bin Mohd Rafiqen_US
dc.descriptionFYP 2 SEM 2 2019/2020en_US
dc.description.abstractScientist from all around the world have still not come to a conclusion whether EMF is a cause for cancer cases or not. Many researchers from many countries have done their part to support the fact that EMF does not cause cancer cases but still they can only cover a small topic for this issue since this can be categorised as an enormous issue in the world of science and engineering. This project is to study the relationship of Cancer Cases and the exposure of Electromagnetic Fields and wave (EMF). It is mainly to give a result of an experiment whether EMF exposure may lead to any significant type of cancer or not. This project involves the corporation of a lot of people who is working in Tenaga Nasional Berhad, TNB and also Sabah Electricity Sendirian Berhad, SESB. The introduction part of this project will mainly brief about the objectives of this project. In Chapter 2, the literature review will be presented and explained. The methodology used in this project will be explained in Chapter 3. In this project, the analysis part is done by using the software named Statistical Package for Social Science, SPSS. In the end of the project, the conclusion of this thesis will be able to support the fact that EMF is not the cause of cancer. Besides, the result of this project may be useful for other to use as reference.en_US
dc.subjectElectromagnetic Fields and Waveen_US
dc.titleCancer Cases And The Electromagnetic Fields And Waves Exposureen_US